Compleat Works at the Greensburg PA. Art Walk 10-18-2005

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Original photos available on request

On October 18, 2005, some of the cast and crew of the
UPG Theatre Company appeared at the Art Walk, a
display of local performing arts groups out on the street
of Greensburg, PA. Governor Ed Rendell and the recipients
of the PA Governor's Awards for the Arts, along with


citizens of Greensburg, walked by to see bits and pieces
of Compleat Wrks (in progress) along with some improvs. Present were Elaine Galinskie (Stage Manager), Natalie Porter (Assistant Director) , and actors Brandon Ferrari, Dave McVicker, Jon Bliss, and Kait Wittig.



Eventually, the actors began reacting to their environment. Here, Dave fiddles on the street for the nearby children's rendition of "Tradition."
All for one and one for all....
And every one for himself!
Jon and Kate practice their duel-- but without the usual foils.
Kait as Mark Antony, Jon as the soon-to-be-buried Caesar.
  The Seton Hill actors up the street would just stand and look our way, so the actors took it as a challenge for a staring contest. We won!
Jon as Caesar listens to a soothsayer
  And then people actually came by and watched!