Backstage of the Production

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No matter how many times you tell them not to play with the props...

Ashley Peer and Billy Johnson.

Schrum ages Ashley King--as if the sheer number of lines she has in the show didn't do enough of that.

Chad Smith and Ashley Peer

Chad in place.

Eric Durant, guitarist and blue-tongued zombie.

Faith Hakas (trumpet) and Elysa Schwartz (clarinet).

My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.

The daughter/mother team of Kattrin and Anna.

Molly DePree and Ashley Peer: two other sides of Mother Courage.

Ashley Peer and Serge Blyakhor.

Who do zombies ward off?

The director contempates...everything.
(Who took this. I love this photo!)

Steve Dayub considers suicide. Or at least multiple show injuries.

Serge of his multiple roles.

Ladies and gentlemen...the band!

Thursday's pre-show warm-up.