Dress Rehearsals for Mother Courage

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The Band and EmCee (MC = Mother Courage?) Molly

The wagon enters.

The sons sing the opening song.

The Recruiting Officer and the Sergeant.

Scene One.

Scene One.

Mother Courage talks with the Cook.

The Chaplain sits in the Commander's chair (like Lucifer on the throne of God?)

Not all the elements are yet in place for this dress rehearsal. Armbands dstinguishing Protestants and Catholics are not there. Meghan is wearing her glasses, and the Chaplain appears to be wearing running shoes.

Eilif sings the song of "The Wise Woman and The Soldier."

Mother Courage and Eilif sing the song of "The Wise Woman and The Soldier."

Right: Kattrin cradles the baby she rescued from the fire.

Far Right: Yvette speaks to Mother Courage about buying the wagon.

Below: Mother Courage haggles too long, and her son Swiss Cheese is brought in for identification.

The Chaplain "proposes" to Mother Courage.

Above: Kattrin drums to warn the town of the attack.

Right: The Soldier, with the help of the peasants, try to stop Kattrin.